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  • LGU+

    Delivered to LG U+ stores nationwide (2021~2024)

  • TheBon(KOR)

    Baekdabang Bakery, Baekboy Pizza, etc. (2021~2024)

  • [CVS] e-mart 24

    Furniture delivery to E-Mart 24 store (2019~2024)

  • Lala Bread

    Delivery of furniture to Lala Bread main store (2023)

  • Porta Coffee

    Delivery of furniture to Pota Coffee store (2023)

  • No Brand Burger

    Supplied furniture to No Brand Burger stores nationwide (2022)


    Supply Furniture to Smoothie King nationwide store (2020~2022)

  • NBB

    Supply Furniture to No Brand Burger stores nationwide (2019~2022)

  • SSG Food

    Supply to Shinsegae Food Stores (2019-2020)

  • JAJU

    Supply of home furniture to JAJU nationwide stores (2019-2020)

  • Starbucks

    Supply to Starbucks nationwide (2019-2020)